Should I Preserve My Baby’s Stem Cells, and Why?

When you become parents, your overall responsibilities increase upto a certain level. This happens not for a short period but for an entire lifetime. So, it becomes necessary to all possible things to keep your child safe from an array of diseases. Stem cell storage is one of such things that can save your child’s life from certain diseases when required. The stem cells banks recommends the storage of stem cells to be used in the future if required to save the child’s life.

Stem cell storage is the process of collection & cryopreservation of stem cells. These are present within the umbilical cord blood & tissue. These can be further used in case if required in the future. Stem cells can be used for effective stem cell treatments and other clinical trials. The storage can be done in a private or public manner. When you choose private stem cell storage, you can use the stem cells exclusively for your child and other family members. When you go for public stem storage, the cells are available for use by anyone who requires it.

Process of Storing Cord Blood and Cord Tissue?

Doctors and researchers consider the umbilical cord blood as most of the richest sources of stem cells, such as Haematopoietic Stem Cells abbreviated as HSCs.

Now a day’s these stem cells are used for treating certain blood cancers along with immune disorders. Also, these cells are used for tissue-formation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) for researches and clinical trials. Researchers use them in the processes which have the potential scope in regenerative therapies.

Moreover, the umbilical cord tissue comprises of MSCs. It is a crucial source for extracting various types of cells not present in the cord blood. Such types of cells include the perivascular & endothelial stem cells. Currently, scientists are precisely investigating these cells at the clinical level to be used within specific therapies. When stem cells are stored from both sources I.e., cord blood & cord tissue, you can access the best opportunities for your child’s treatment in case of emergency shortly.

When and How You Can Store Stem Cells for Your Children?

You can store the stem cell at the time of your baby’s birth. You can ask the stem cells banks and other concerned persons for the storage. You should know that storing one’s stem cell will be enough for everyone; then you are mistaken.

The cells don’t need to match with everyone perfectly. The chances vary from one to another. One child’s stem cells will have 1out of 4 chances of being a perfect match with any siblings. Also, there are 3 out of 4 chances will be a usable match for the siblings. Thus, the concerned authority recommends that you must store stem cells of each of your children.

What Is the Use Of Baby’s Stem Cells?

When you decide to store your baby’s stem cells, you open the door for various treatment opportunities. These treatment opportunities will be available for a lifetime. It will protect them from an array of diseases.

The research reveals that the stem cells can be effectively used in the therapies beneficial in treating 85 blood-related and immune diseases such as Leukaemia; Neuroblastoma, and Sickle Cell Anaemia.

With passing time, the stem cells are thoroughly investigated within thousands of research and clinical trials to generate regenerative medicine. These medicines will be sufficient for certain incurable conditions, including heart-related disease, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes, as well as brain injuries.

What Is The Cost Of Stem Cell Storage?

There can be no price for saving your baby’s life from incurable diseases. Well, the cost may vary as per the chosen authority. The actual cost of storing umbilical cord blood begins from £1,500 with some additional annual fee. Moreover, you can opt for many other additional services, including storing the baby’s cord blood and tissue samples at multiple units. It is better to store at multiple places then storing in one unit.