IV Infusion: Benefits And Risks

The vitamins and minerals from our food take a long way to reach the goal. Because of this reason, licensed naturopathic physicians take the help of IV vitamin therapy to replenish the nutritional and micro nutritional status of a person. For decades various medical professionals have been using this therapy to treat a wide range of conditions, from nutrition absorption disorders to dehydration.

Let us review some of the benefits and risks of indulging in IV infusion.

Benefits Of IV Infusion

There are diverse benefits of IV infusion. If you search for IV infusion near me, you will find an array of professionals who conduct this therapy. The nutrition that you intake travels through the digestive system and helps to offer various benefits. But at times, it can have problems or interfere with offering the needed benefits. With the help of IV infusion therapy, one can bypass this system. It means that whenever you have food, the body can absorb 100% minerals and vitamins in the food.

Due to this reason, IV therapy can help to correct the various micronutrient deficiency. It also helps to improve the overall nutritional status of a person who is suffering from nutrition deficiency. In addition to that, one can also get relief from various unwanted symptoms. Some of the benefits of IV infusion include:

● Increase in energy

● Improvement in the symptoms of depression

● Reduction of stress

● Improvement in hydration

● Improvement in the system of asthma

● Reduces the problem of headache

● Improve the quality of the skin

● Proper regulation of the immunity system

● Helps to treat autoimmune disease flare-ups

● Improves any symptom of chronic illness

● Shortening the recovery time for athletes

● Offers optimal performance

● Improve endurance in an individual

● Provide relief from an allergic condition

Is It Safe To Use IV Therapy

If you take the help of any qualified practitioners to intake the IV infusion, it is completely safe. However, when you search for IV infusions near me, you must always check whether the practitioner completed the certification course and has enough knowledge to calculate the osmolarity of the solution that would be injected.

Hence it all depends upon the qualification of the practitioner whether they would be able to conduct the therapy safely or not. However, the infusion consists of ingredients like vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium, and magnesium. Sometimes, it can also include amino acids, known as the building blocks of protein, and various antioxidants like glutathione. Before taking the infusion, you must speak to your doctor about the nutrition you require.

What Are The Risk

One must be cautious while taking the IV therapy infusion. Especially people who suffer from congestive heart failure must be cautious. The excess fluid in the bloodstream can strain the body. Hence people with allergic conditions or who are on certain medication must refrain from taking the infusion.

It is crucial to consult licensed medical professionals to estimate the benefits and risks of the infusion. Sometimes too much of any good thing can cause harm. Hence with IV infusion, it is possible to receive too much of any specific minerals or vitamins. It can create adverse effects on the body.


People who are willing to take up IV infusion must look for a reputable medical practitioner who can constantly monitor the process, take care of the medical history of the patients and then go for the infusion. At the same time, one must do a bit of research by themselves. If possible, you may take the consultation of a primary care doctor to know whether your body has any deficiencies or not.

However, once you are convinced that you require IV infusion, you must select a reputable clinic that would conduct the process with utmost hygiene and safety. Remainder that it is not drugs but vitamins that you would receive. Therefore if you are in doubt about any professionals or their professionalism, you must ask for their credentials.

After assessing the benefits and risks, one can conclude that IV infusion is one of the best ways to address the deficiency of minerals and vitamins.